Working Papers and Job Opportunities for Students

Working Papers

Working papers are also known as Employment Certification. All students between 14 – 17 years of age must get an employment certificate in order to work.

Follow the online process:

  • STEP 1: Download the AT-17 Application for Employment Certificate Form
  • STEP 2: Complete Part 1 of the AT-17 Application Form and Obtain A Parent or Guardian Signature
  • STEP 3: Return the Completed Form to Lucianna Rizzo via email at
  • STEP 4: Students Must Provide Proof of a Physical that is less than a year old.
  • STEP 5: Students Must Pick Up their Working Papers at the BCHS Main Office

Job Opportunities for Students

The BCHS Counseling Center maintains up-to-date listings of job opportunities for students. The job opportunities are available here via Google Drive.