Take-home meals available for students observing Ramadan

Image advertising take-home meals during Ramadan
BCSD’s Food Services will offer take-home breakfast and lunch for students who are fasting in observance of Ramadan. Take-home meals will be available during the school weeks throughout Ramadan.

Families are asked to pre-order each week by filling out the attached Google Form. Orders should be submitted by the Friday before the following week. All meals are vegetarian and will be charged to student school meal accounts; meals are free of charge for students eligible for free or reduced-price meals.

Order Deadlines:

  • Friday, Feb. 28: for week of March 3-7

  • Friday, March 7: for week of March 10-14

  • Friday, March 14: for week of March 17-21

  • Friday, March 21: for week of March 24-28

The take-home meals will be delivered to elementary students’ classrooms each afternoon before dismissal. Middle school students may pick up their meals from the middle school kitchen by 1:30 p.m. each day. High school students may pick up meals in the snack shop by 2:15 p.m. each day.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Claire Groudine, Food Service Director, at cgroudine@bethlehemschools.org.

Pre-order here.