K-5: New computer science enrichment coming soon

The following is a message for K-5 families from Deputy Superintendent Dr. David Hurst… Dear K-5 families: This year, all classrooms K-5 will be provided with a series of hands-on computer science enrichment activities led by the district’s Library Media Specialists.  To help our elementary students get excited about computer science, coding, and engineering, the …

Glenmont earns 2022-23 Spirit Run Trophy

With the highest percentage of students participating in the K-5 Spirit Run, Glenmont Elementary School takes the first-ever trophy for most spirit. Check out photos and results from this event.

Video: Superintendent Q & A on Student Safety

On Tuesday, November 1, Superintendent Jody Monroe hosted a panel of guests to help answer parent questions regarding school safety, student health and wellness, online safety, school climate and more. You can view the presentation below. Materials from the presentation are also available in PDF format. If you are unable to access the documents below, …

How BC communicates weather-related closings, delays

With winter just around the corner, it’s a good time to become familiar with how the district shares weather-related school closing information. Cancellations, delays or early dismissals are posted at the top of the school district’s website, right on the homepage at www.bethlehemschools.org and will also be shared via ParentSquare. School closings are also announced on …

Important: NEW K-12 student survey debuts next week

A reminder and clarification for BC families K-12 about the new PASS student survey: Clarification on how data will be evaluated and shared: Only aggregate data, not individual data, will be shared with teachers, administrators and counselors in an effort to improve social-emotional teaching and learning. Any individual results from students indicating a need for additional …

BC student artwork to be featured at statewide convention

Several students from the Bethlehem Central School District will have artwork displayed at the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) statewide convention in Syracuse next week. The exhibit, co-sponsored by  NYSSBA and the New York State Art Teachers Association (NYSATA), is intended to highlight achievement in visual arts by students across the state. “The …