Capital projects near completion; middle school auditorium reopens

Two capital projects, totaling, $45.3 million, are nearly complete. They include a renovated middle school auditorium, a fully refurbished middle school Library Media Center, newly renovated classrooms, and athletics improvements that encourage and support wellness in the school community. A $40.7 million project approved by voters in 2021 included nearly 180 elements across seven schools …

Be a part of Caring and Sharing 2024

The annual BC Caring and Sharing Program is underway with schools collecting food donations and grocery gift cards. The Bethlehem Central School District organizes and runs this program with one goal: to assist families in the school community who may be struggling to make ends meet by providing food and grocery gift cards for the …

Student lunch prices to increase 25 cents on Jan. 2, 2025

Meal prices for students in the Bethlehem Central School District will increase by 25 cents in January 2025. The change will be effective beginning Thursday, Jan. 2 at all BC schools. The increase affects paid student lunch meals only. Prices for breakfast and a la carte menu items will remain the same. The price increases were approved by …

Kids Winter Clothes Swap

Winter is coming fast and kids are growing even faster! Before heading to the store for new winter gear, the BCSD Wellness Committee invites you to participate in our BCSD Kids Winter Clothing Swap. Kids Winter Clothes Swap Switch your clean, gently used outgrown winter gear for something that fits,  OR donate kids’ winter apparel …

BC artwork featured in NYSSBA Exhibit in New York City

The artwork of 23 Bethlehem students was displayed at this year’s  New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) Art Exhibit. The exhibit was part of the NYSSBA Annual Convention and Education Expo held October 20-22 in New York City. This annual exhibit, sponsored by the New York State Art Teachers Association (NYSATA), is an opportunity …

BCMS student’s artwork featured as part of National School Bus Safety Week

This year, National School Bus Safety Week is October 21-25, and one BC student has an integral role in promoting the nationwide safety and education effort. She is Melissa Yang, a grade 8 student at Bethlehem Central Middle School. Yang won first place overall in the National Association for Pupil Transportation (NAPT) annual poster contest. …