Bus schedules available in Aspen

Bus schedules, routes and stops for the 2023-24 school year are now available in Aspen. To locate this information, please follow the directions below.  If you have questions regarding transportation, email transportation@bethlehemschools.org If you have questions regarding Aspen, email helpdesk@bethlehemschools.org Families with students who attend private/parochial or other schools outside of the district will be …

2023-24 Student Bus Registration

To create a more efficient district transportation program and address continuing staffing shortages, families whose children are eligible for bus transportation must update their student’s Bus Registration information in Aspen for the new school year. We are asking all parents whose students are eligible for transportation to verify OR update their bus registration in Aspen.  You …

BCSD introduces ParentSquare for one-stop communications

In June 2023, the Bethlehem Central School District began using ParentSquare for district-level communications. ParentSquare has replaced School Messenger for emergency communications and district-generated news. In 2023-24, ParentSquare will be used at the building and classroom levels to consolidate school-to-home communications so parents and guardians will be able to find all school-related information in one …

2023-24 Student Bus Registration

To create a more efficient district transportation program and address continuing staffing shortages, families whose children are eligible for bus transportation must update their student’s Bus Registration information in Aspen for the new school year. We are asking all parents whose students are eligible for transportation to verify OR update their bus registration in Aspen.  You …

Spring PASS survey to be administered in May

A message from K-12 Counseling Supervisor Kristen Connor… Dear BCSD families: This year, the Bethlehem Central School District began using a brief student survey to help the district better address social and emotional barriers to learning. We administered the first Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS) survey last fall and will be administering the …

BCSD School Climate Survey for Parents

A positive school climate helps people feel socially, emotionally and physically safe in schools. To ensure the district is aligning its priorities, staff and resources to meet the needs of our school community, the Bethlehem Central School District is conducting its School Climate Survey for students, staff and parents over the next 10 days. Link to the 2022-23 School Climate Survey for Parents. Note: If you have …