BCMS Character Breakfast honors 35 students

Thirty-five students have been recognized for demonstrating the character traits of social intelligence, critical thinking, perspective and forgiveness.

BCHS seniors earn the Seal of Biliteracy

Fifty-one graduating seniors have earned the NYS Seal of Biliteracy for proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages, in addition to English. 

Glenmont first graders represent region at NYS math competition

On May 20, three first graders from Glenmont Elementary School participated in the First In Math Statewide Elementary Mathematics Tournament at UAlbany. Only 150 students in grades 1-5 across the state qualified to take part in the first-ever tourney.

Junior Awards Reception honors 13 BCHS students

Thirteen juniors were honored with awards from colleges and universities for their outstanding promise in areas that encompass the district’s goals of academics, character, community and wellness.

BCHS Spring Signing Day 2023

On May 19, more than 30 Bethlehem Central High School students signed ceremonial letters of intent to play collegiate-level athletics. They were surrounded by families, coaches and friends.