Help the BCUEA aid homeless animals

The Bethlehem Central United Employees Association, which represents support staff throughout the district, is once again collecting items for area animal shelters and rescue organizations. Collection boxes are set up at all district schools. Items will be collected beginning Monday, March 14 until Friday, March 25. Suggested donated items include: Dog food/cat food Toys (new …

BCMS Q2 Honor Roll & Merit Roll

Grade 8 Honor Roll Maximilian N Alhart, Phoenix E Andrews, Charles W Annastas, Paige J Applebee, Zakir M Bakar, Bailey S Balser, Kieran P Barnes, Kyle W Barone, Tess L Bartholomew, Sadie E Bashant, Amelia J Beiter, Audrey T Bell, Leysha S Belulkar, Natalie J Biche, Zoey E Bichteman, Timothy P Blake, Sophie R Bordell, …

World Languages Info Session is Mar. 16

Learn about the BCSD World Languages programs and the Seal of Biliteracy Recognition Program at a virtual information session on Wednesday, Mar. 16. Topics to be covered: Middle School Language Choice Checkpoint Exams NYS New World Language Standards AP Courses Seal of Biliteracy Interested? RSVP today by contacting Luis Avilés via email at or …

2021-22 School Climate Survey Results

Administered against the backdrop of the Omicron surge, School Climate Survey results yield surprisingly positive data from students, staff and families.

Sign up info for the spring sports season

Families will be able to sign up their students for the spring sports season beginning Friday, Feb. 11. The sign-up window is different for different levels of play. Please see all information below: Sign-ups open Varsity, JV, Freshman: Friday, Feb. 11 Modified: Friday, Feb. 18 Season start dates Varsity, JV, Freshman: Monday, March 14 Modified: Monday, March 21 Spring …