Spring 2023 NYSSMA Piano Evaluation Registration

Information and registration form for NYSSMA piano evaluation March 10-11 at Schenectady County Community College can be found here.  Registration and payment are due to Dave Norman, Music Supervisor by January 24.

Video: Superintendent Q & A on Student Safety

On Tuesday, November 1, Superintendent Jody Monroe hosted a panel of guests to help answer parent questions regarding school safety, student health and wellness, online safety, school climate and more. You can view the presentation below. Materials from the presentation are also available in PDF format. If you are unable to access the documents below, …

How BC communicates weather-related closings, delays

With winter just around the corner, it’s a good time to become familiar with how the district shares weather-related school closing information. Cancellations, delays or early dismissals are posted at the top of the school district’s website, right on the homepage at www.bethlehemschools.org and will also be shared via ParentSquare. School closings are also announced on …

Support BC gardens with Thursday dinners at Garden Bistro

For the seventh year in a row, the local restaurant Garden Bistro 24 is offering a special prix fixe menu every Thursday throughout the month of October, featuring produce grown in the school gardens throughout the district. The restaurant is offering a specially-crafted three-course menu for $34.50. Proceeds from each meal (15%) will be returned …