Be the Change recipients for Sept-Oct 2022

Dozens of students at the high school were honored recently for making a difference in our school community. Congratulations to all!

Video: Superintendent Q & A on Student Safety

On Tuesday, November 1, Superintendent Jody Monroe hosted a panel of guests to help answer parent questions regarding school safety, student health and wellness, online safety, school climate and more. You can view the presentation below. Materials from the presentation are also available in PDF format. If you are unable to access the documents below, …

How BC communicates weather-related closings, delays

With winter just around the corner, it’s a good time to become familiar with how the district shares weather-related school closing information. Cancellations, delays or early dismissals are posted at the top of the school district’s website, right on the homepage at and will also be shared via ParentSquare. School closings are also announced on …

TV producer and editor shares travel tales with BCHS students

As part of Hispanic Heritage Month, students welcomed a virtual visitor to the high school auditorium. On October 14, television producer and presenter Kim Haas connected with students via Zoom to share her experiences as a language learner and as the creator of the show Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas. Throughout her presentation, Ms. Haas …