On Monday, October 1, the middle school and high school chapters of No Place for Hate kicked off the month of October with a kindness campaign. With a message of unity, the groups asked all Bethlehem Central students and staff K-12 to wear blue to school on the first day of the October, which is National Bullying Prevention Month. The response was overwhelming, with thousands of students, faculty and staff wearing blue in support of the effort that came with its own hashtag: #bekindBC.
Both the middle school and the high school have been designated No Place for Hate schools. The mission of No Place for Hate is to create a positive school climate for all students. If you have a middle or high school student who is interested in joining No Place for Hate or if you want to learn more about No Place for Hate activities at the middle school and high school, contact Megan Sanders at BCMS msanders@bethlehemschools.org or Lindsay Knott at BCHS lknott@bethlehemschools.org.
Watch for other No Place for Hate activities taking place throughout the month of October.
Take a look at a video recap of #bekindBC Blue Day: