June 2023 Exam Bus Schedule

Updated June 12, 2023

Students at Bethlehem Central High School will take final exams and Regents exams from June 14 through June 22. There will be no exams or classes held on Monday, June 19 in observance of Juneteenth.

Bus transportation will be available according to the schedule below:

Morning Exams

AM Arrival

All days: Students should be at AM bus stop at their regular time for pick-up.

AM Departure 

On June 14-16, June 20 and June 22,  buses will depart BCHS at 12 noon via the transfer/late bus routes. On June 21, buses will depart at 12:30 p.m.

Afternoon Exams

PM Arrival

Students should check their pick-up location according to the schedules below:

PM Departure

On June 14-16 and June 20, PM shuttle buses will depart BCHS at 3:45 p.m. and travel to the middle school where students will board transfer/late buses at 4 p.m. There will be no PM bus transportation on June 21-22.