Continuing Education & Adult Learning

Continuing Education | The Humanities Institute for Lifelong Learning

Continuing Education

Bethlehem Central School District offers Continuing Education courses for the community in the fall and spring of each year. Course offerings for the fall and spring semesters are posted in late August and late January. Questions about Continuing Education classes can be directed to Kate Burkart (registrar) at or Tyler Anderson (spring classes) at

The deadline to register for Spring 2025 classes is Friday, Feb. 14.

The Humanities Institute for Lifelong Learning (HILL)

Bethlehem’s Humanities Institute for Lifelong Learning is an independent organization offering opportunities for lifelong learning to residents of the Capital District. Information on HILL courses and programs is included in the Continuing Education course brochure mailed to district residents each fall and spring.

HILL was founded in 1993 by Fred and Helen Adler to make available educational and cultural experiences to residents of the Town of Bethlehem and the greater Capital District. The Institute’s goal is to enhance lifelong learning opportunities for the adult population of the local community. HILL is a non-profit entity and serves as an adjunct organization of the Bethlehem Central School District. It is staffed by volunteers who comprise the Coordinating Committee, and all expenses are funded from the modest fees charged to attendees of its regularly scheduled spring and fall semester classes. HILL’s six-week series of spring and fall classes are taught by distinguished professionals who are usually faculty members of colleges and universities in the Capital Region. The courses are in the humanities and related cultural areas and include selections that focus on contemporary issues, respond to community interests and appeal to a wide audience. Other events provided by HILL can include single lectures, concerts, panel discussions or other activities considered by the Coordinating Committee to be of educational or cultural value.

If you have questions about the HILL classes, please visit their website at