Districtwide network shutdown postponed

Due to an equipment issue, this afternoon’s network shutdown has been postponed. The upgrades will be rescheduled to a future date.

Slingerlands volunteers and a grant from the Bethlehem Garden Club spruce up garden

If you are noticing the Slingerlands garden has gone from drab to FAB, you probably know that it didn’t happen by magic. After three years, volunteers have brought the garden back to life and have expanded it. With grant money from the Bethlehem Garden Club and the help of Slingerlands families, it is back and …

Local Author/Illustrator Matt McElligott visits Slingerlands

Slingerlands K-2 students recently enjoyed a visit from local author/illustrator Matt McElligott. The students decorated the library with their own monster designs to welcome the author and share their creative imaginations. Matt shared his illustration process using digital techniques with the captive audience. During his presentation, students were asked to make suggestions, such as which …

Spring PASS survey to be administered in May

A message from K-12 Counseling Supervisor Kristen Connor… Dear BCSD families: This year, the Bethlehem Central School District began using a brief student survey to help the district better address social and emotional barriers to learning. We administered the first Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS) survey last fall and will be administering the …

2023-24 Kindergarten Registration

Important kindergarten registration information can be found here. Please note the March 1 deadline for guaranteed placement at the child’s home school.