2022-23 Student Bus Registration

To address a continuing bus driver shortage and create a more efficient district transportation program, families whose children are eligible for bus transportation must update their student’s Bus Registration information in Aspen for the new school year. We are asking all parents whose students are eligible for transportation to verify OR update their bus registration …

Photos: Glenmont Field Day

Blue skies and puffy clouds. Could you ask for anything more as Field Day returned to Glenmont with a fun-filled day of activities, games and smiles for students and staff alike? We don’t think so. Check out the amazing Field Day photos from Friday, June 16. A prelude to a wonderful summer.   

Congratulations to our newly tenured educators

On the evening of June 1st, 15 Bethlehem Central educators were officially awarded tenure by the Board of Education. Please join us in celebrating the following members of our BC family and congratulating them on their tenure achievements. Their hard work and dedication are part of what makes Bethlehem Central all that it is. Elizabeth D. Colloton School Counselor High School Michael F. Doemel …

Photos: Glenmont PTA Spring Fest

Sack races, face painting, lots of smiles. The Glenmont PTA Spring Fest returned on Sunday, May 22 and was a great success. The summer-like weather helped make the gathering feel extra festive as students and families enjoyed time together in the sun. Thank you to our PTA volunteers for making it a very memorable afternoon …

Healthy Kids Week is May 2-7

A message from the Bethlehem Healthy Kids Committee… Our district will be celebrating Healthy Kids Week from May 2-7, 2022. We hope that our BC families will join in the fun!  The goal of Healthy Kids Week is to help our students understand and experience the benefits of nurturing their bodies and minds in fun …

Sports boosters hosting summer camps June 27-July 1

BC Girls Basketball Summer Camp Monday, June 27th – Friday, July 1st 9am-12pm @ BC Middle School More Details and Registration can be found here: Girls Basketball Summer Camp Information Please direct any questions to the Bethlehem Girls Basketball Booster Club at bethlehemgirlsbb@gmail.com Bethlehem Future Eagles Flag Football Camp – June 27 thru July 1 Location: BCHS …