Important reminder: Please keep your children home if they are sick

In order to provide a safe environment for learning and student growth, please keep sick children home.  In the event your child becomes ill during the school day and needs to be picked up, please do so promptly for your child’s well being and to prevent further spread of illness. Listed below are some simple …

Two BCHS students published in Spanish Honor Society magazine

Two BCHS students were published in the November 2023 issue of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica magazine, Albricias. Sophomore and Spanish Honor Society member,  Zara Pattison, is the first BCHS student to be published so early in her high school career with her article depicting the negative impact of fast fashion, “La Moda Rápida”. Senior Spanish …

TWON presents Clue at BCHS December 8-10

All your favorites including Miss Scarlet, Mrs. Peacock, Colonel Mustard, and Professor Plum and more take to the stage in this fun show at BCHS.

Support BC gardens with Thursday dinners at Garden Bistro, Oct. 19 menu

For the eighth year in a row, the local restaurant Garden Bistro 24 is offering a special prix fixe menu every Thursday throughout the month of October, featuring produce grown in the school gardens throughout the district. The restaurant is offering a specially-crafted three-course menu for $35. Proceeds from each meal (15%) will be returned …

Voters approve BCMS capital project

BC residents have approved a $4.6m capital improvement project for the BCMS auditorium by a vote of 958 to 225.

Oct. 25: Raising a Beautiful Child Presentation

On Wednesday, October 25 at 6:30 p.m. the MS Counseling department will host the Hance Family Foundation for a Parent/Guardian Presentation: Raising a Beautiful Child. The Raising a Beautiful Child Presentation will be held in the Bethlehem Middle School Auditorium and is for parents, educators, caregivers and others who are entrusted with raising children. The …