BC Spirit Run Event to take place November 11

BCSD will host a free districtwide recreational activity for K-5 families on Veterans Day. The five elementary schools will compete for special prizes. The event will include a salute to veterans.

How BC communicates weather-related closings, delays

With winter just around the corner, it’s a good time to become familiar with how the district shares weather-related school closing information. Cancellations, delays or early dismissals are posted at the top of the school district’s website, right on the homepage at www.bethlehemschools.org and will also be shared via ParentSquare. School closings are also announced on …

TV producer and editor shares travel tales with BCHS students

As part of Hispanic Heritage Month, students welcomed a virtual visitor to the high school auditorium. On October 14, television producer and presenter Kim Haas connected with students via Zoom to share her experiences as a language learner and as the creator of the show Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas. Throughout her presentation, Ms. Haas …

Support BC gardens with Thursday dinners at Garden Bistro

For the seventh year in a row, the local restaurant Garden Bistro 24 is offering a special prix fixe menu every Thursday throughout the month of October, featuring produce grown in the school gardens throughout the district. The restaurant is offering a specially-crafted three-course menu for $34.50. Proceeds from each meal (15%) will be returned …

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL : School District Legal Counsel

The Bethlehem Central School District is currently posting the request for proposals by direction of the Board of Education in order to maintain our commitment to the Bethlehem Community ensuring competent review of legal counsel for the school district. Please refer to the attached Request for Proposal for details.