6th annual Poetry Out Loud competition sends two to Regionals

Fifteen Bethlehem Central High School students competed in the 6th annual Poetry Out Loud competition on Tuesday, December 13th in the high school cafeteria. The competing students represented 9th through 12th grades. The students recited a poem and were judged on six categories: Physical presence Voice and articulation Dramatic appropriateness Evidence of understanding Overall performance …

BC students featured in NYSED video Equity, Excellence and Access

Last May, several Bethlehem Central High School students participated in the making of a statewide video showcasing New York students on the topics of diversity, equity and inclusion. These students, including both current students and members of the class of 2022, spent several hours after school sharing their voices, their experiences, and their hopes for the future …

BCHS Q1 Honor Roll and Merit Roll

The Honor Roll and Merit Roll for the first quarter of the 2022-23 school year at Bethlehem Central High School can be found below: Honor Roll Grade GR Honor Roll Katharine J Thorp Grade 12 Honor Roll Mirella J Albrecht, Luzelena Alvarez, Suzanna S Amirbekian, Corinne E Anderson, Griffin R Andrews, Nicholas M Atteck, Dylan …

TWON presents Sunflowers at BCHS Dec. 8-11

Don’t miss Sunflowers, a new play about artist Vincent Van Gogh. Four performances at the high school. Tickets are $10 adults; $5 students.

Support our music programs with BMA spirit wear

The following is a message from Bethlehem Music Department and the Bethlehem Music Association… On behalf of the Bethlehem Music Association, in support of our Bethlehem Music Program across all BCSD Schools, proudly we share an EXCLUSIVE ONE WEEK HOLIDAY launch of our collaborative new logos and team apparel for all musicians, music-minded students, faculty …

Be the Change recipients for Sept-Oct 2022

Dozens of students at the high school were honored recently for making a difference in our school community. Congratulations to all!

Video: Superintendent Q & A on Student Safety

On Tuesday, November 1, Superintendent Jody Monroe hosted a panel of guests to help answer parent questions regarding school safety, student health and wellness, online safety, school climate and more. You can view the presentation below. Materials from the presentation are also available in PDF format. If you are unable to access the documents below, …