BCHS to offer Seal of Biliteracy

Beginning with the Class of 2021, eligible students at Bethlehem Central High School will now be able to earn a New York State Seal of Biliteracy. The New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or …

Don’t forget about the flu

While we remain vigilant about screening for COVID-19, please keep in mind that flu season is here. Updated flu information from the New YorkState Department of Health and other flu facts are always available on our website and a searchable list of locations currently offering flu shots is available from the CDC.  Albany County also offers flu vaccines by appointment. …

Grief Resources

Children & the Grieving Process Adapted from the National Association of School Psychologists It is very difficult for all of us to face the death of a young person, and it can generate a high level of anxiety and distress in our children. Your child may be affected by a death even if they didn’t …

Strategic Plan highlights BCSD five-year goals, strategies for success

Superintendent of Schools Jody Monroe invites you to learn more about the Bethlehem Central School District Strategic Plan 2019-2024: Dear Stakeholder: On behalf of the Bethlehem Central School District, I am pleased to share highlights of a new Strategic Plan that will guide district decision-making through the 2023-24 school year. This plan provides our school …

2016 Facilities Improvement Capital Project

On November 29, 2016, Bethlehem Central Residents approved a $32,165,551 bond referendum that will be used to pay for 111 facilities improvement projects across the district. Among the projects included in the proposal are building renovations, structural improvements, paving and drainage work at sites throughout the district, asbestos abatement, electrical and plumbing work and security …

Districtwide School Climate Survey

Coming soon: an opportunity for staff, students and parents to share thoughts on our schools. Your opinion matters!