Transportation maintenance team earns perfect marks from DOT

It’s safety first, especially when it comes to our school buses! For the second year in a row, the BC transportation maintenance team has earned a 100% rating from the NYS Department of Transportation on its safety and maintenance inspections. Every school bus is inspected twice a year, and every BC bus has passed with …

BCHS students excel in economics contest

Congratulations to a team of students from Bethlehem Central High School that recently finished among the top teams in state-level competition for the National Economics Challenge. The National Economics Challenge (NEC) is the country’s only economics competition of its kind for high school students. It tests micro and macroeconomic principles as well as knowledge of …

BC Budget Approved

A 2021-22 budget and bus propositions that will bring electric buses to BC have been approved. Katherine Nadeau and WIllow Baer elected.

Voters approve budget and bus propositions; elect two Board members

Residents of the Bethlehem Central School District have overwhelmingly approved a $102 million budget for the 2021-22 school year by a margin of 2,093 to 462, or approximately 82% in favor to 18% opposed. Voters also elected two candidates to serve on the Bethlehem Central Board of Education. There were two candidates on the ballot: Katherine Nadeau …

BCHS junior earns Adobe professional certifications

Bethlehem High School junior Nikolas Freihofer is blazing new trails in the Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical School Digital Media Design program. He is now the first to earn the Adobe Certified Professional Designation, which was previously known as the Adobe Certified Specialist. Nikolas earned the certification after completing both the Adobe Graphic Design …

2016 Facilities Improvement Capital Project

The 2016 Facilities Improvement Capital Project, as described below, was completed in December 2020. On November 29, 2016, Bethlehem Central Residents approved a $32,165,551 bond referendum that will be used to pay for 111 facilities improvement projects across the district. Among the projects included in the proposal are building renovations, structural improvements, paving and drainage …

BCHS junior among top finishers in Stock Market Game, again

Once in a while, stock market investors get lucky earning big returns with short-term investments. For Bethlehem Central High School student Tao Xie, however, it seems to be more skill than luck. That’s because this high school junior has reached the top three in the New York State Stock Market Game not once but twice. …

Two BCHS students named CASDA Capital Region Scholars

Two members of the Bethlehem Central High School Class of 2021 are being recognized as part of a select group of the Capital Region’s highest-achieving student scholars.  Justin Dong and Aijah Garcia were selected by the BCHS Counseling Center to represent Bethlehem at the 35th annual Capital Region Scholars’ Recognition Program, which honors top students from …