List of Awards – BCHS Class of 2021

Several student awards were included in the commencement program. They are: Academic Achievement Awards Community Awards PTA Awards Memorial Awards Departmental Awards State & National Awards Academic Achievement Awards The following students maintained a 95% or above Grade Point Average (GPA) over three-and-a-half years at Bethlehem Central High School. Sahil Amin David Berin Sarah Brock …

ALANA graduates reflect and celebrate

At graduation, several students will wear a colorful symbol of their heritage and participation in the student group ALANA. Learn more here.

Student Bus Registration Process

Families of students who are eligible for transportation should watch their email the bus registration form.

Transportation Request Form 2021-22

COPY OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FORM 2021-22 An electronic form will be emailed directly to families who have been eligible for transportation during the 2020-21 school year. To assist the Transportation Department with routing of school buses, we are asking families whose children are eligible to request whether your child will need bus transportation in 2021-22.  …

BCMS Q3 Honor Roll and Merit Roll

Congratulations to all our Honor and Merit Roll students for the third quarter! Grade 6 Honor Roll Emma Agel, Mae Allinson, Maayan Amsterdamer, Ava Austin, Allison Barnett, Sophia Barnett, Brendan Bashant, Izabella Belluscio, Doyle Berlin, Chelsea Biche, Devin Biette, Aiden Bigwarfe, Ethan Bigwarfe, Maggie Black, Joshua Bolke, Samuel Bonville, Sage Bosko, Grace Bosworth, Eli Brass, …

BC team excels at National Science Bowl

Out of more than 1,100 high school teams taking part in this year’s 2021 National Science Bowl, a BCHS team finished 20th in the nation.

Orchestra teacher David Beck honored with role in long-awaited teaching guide

  Choosing the right concert music for young orchestra students can be one of the most difficult things a strings teacher must do. One BC teacher is helping to make those decisions — and the lessons that follow — easier for thousands of orchestra teachers across the country through his contributions to one of the most …