Student enrollment in the Bethlehem Central School District is expected to continue to decline over the next five years, according to a recent report from the Capital District Regional Planning Commission (CDRPC). The report’s findings will be formally presented to the Board of Education as part of Superintendent Jody Monroe’s State of the Schools address …

Lab School graduates share college experiences at Press Club

They say that families are a lot like branches on a tree: we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one. In early January, sixteen graduates from the Lab School Class of 2017 returned to BCHS to spend time with their extended family, exemplifying this idea. The group shared their first-year college experiences …

June 7: Board to review lease-purchase proposal for ClarksvilleElementary School

On June 7, the Bethlehem Central Board of Education will review a possible inter-municipal lease/purchase agreement with the Albany County Sheriff’s Office, the current tenant at Clarksville Elementary School.  View the proposed lease-purchase agreement [PDF] View copy of the Power Point presentation – June 7, 2017 [PDF] The school was closed by the district in 2011 due …

Ballot review underway in Bethlehem Board of Education election

Ballots cast in Tuesday’s Board of Education election in the Bethlehem Central School District are currently under review after an unusually high number of write-in votes were recorded, district officials said Wednesday. The review is being conducted voluntarily by the district and in consultation with the school district’s attorney and the Albany County Board of Elections. All …

BC budget approved by voters

The 2017-18 budget has been approved. The Board of Education election is still too close to call. Updates Weds., May 17.

Board adopts $97.1 million proposed budget for 2017-18 – Budget Vote is May 16

Tax levy increase below one percent for third year in a row On May 16, BC voters will consider a $97.1 million budget for the 2017-18 school year that would increase spending by 0.6 percent and carry a tax levy increase of 0.43 percent. The proposed budget for the coming school year was adopted unanimously …

Bethlehem BOE to appoint new Director of Technology

At its meeting on April 12, the Bethlehem Central Board of Education is expected to appoint Raymond Nardelli as the district’s new Director of Technology. Nardelli, who is an experienced leader in education technology at the secondary and collegiate levels, will replace the district’s outgoing technology director, Dr. Sal DeAngelo, beginning July 1. DeAngelo is leaving the district …

Bethlehem Board of Education to appoint David Doemel, Jr. as high school principal

At its March 15 meeting, the Bethlehem Central Board of Education is expected to appoint David Doemel, Jr. as principal of Bethlehem Central High School. Doemel has been a hall principal at the school since 2013 and is currently serving as interim principal at the middle school. Doemel’s appointment as principal will be effective on July …

Voters approve BC bond project

A bond referendum, totaling $32,165,551 that will be used to pay for 111 facilities improvement projects across the district, has been approved by residents of the Bethlehem Central School District by a vote of 1,154 (65%) to 621 (35%). Among the projects included in the proposal are building renovations, structural improvements, paving and drainage work …