The Bethlehem Central Board of Education is seeking high school students who may be interested in serving on the board as a representative of the student body in the 2025-26 school year.
Students entering grades 11 or 12 in 2025-26 are invited to an INFORMATIONAL MEETING about the board position on Tuesday, March 11 at 2:15 p.m. in BCHS Room D-122.
The Board of Education establishes school district policies, oversees development of the annual budget and represents community interests as they relate to school district operations. The student representative will be an ex officio member of the board. As an ex officio member, the student will sit with the board at all public meetings and public hearings. A student board member will not be able to vote, nor will they be able to attend executive sessions or other meetings or hearings not open to the public.
The board meets twice a month from September through June (generally, the first and third Wednesdays of every month). The board meets once a month in July and August. Meetings, which begin at 7 p.m., last an average of two hours. The student board member would be expected to attend all meetings, with the July/August meetings being optional.
The informational meeting will be hosted by Superintendent Jody Monroe and Principal Dave Doemel and will include the requirements for serving as a student member of the board, an overview of board member responsibilities, and the application and selection process for the student board position.