A seventh grader who won this year’s Bethlehem Central Middle School Spelling Bee is among a select group of students who will compete on Saturday, Mar. 8, in the Scripps National Spelling Bee Region 4 Regional Bee.
Arnav Jakkamsetti won the school spelling bee in January and qualified for a competitive written test he took over the February break. The 50-question online test determined who would move on to the SNSB Region 4 Regional Bee. Jakkamsetti was one of only 17 students to advance to the Regional Bee.
To prepare for the Regional Bee, competitors, including Jakkamsetti, study the book Words of the Champions or use the online app Word Club, which includes a list of 4,000 words of varying difficulty levels. The Scripps Spelling Bee often begins with words from the study guide but ends with words not on the list.
The middle schooler, who also excels at tennis, said his love for the sport is taking a back seat to the written word for the time being.
“I’ve never had this opportunity before so I’m excited,” said Jakkamsetti.
Top finishers at the Regional Bee will head to the National Spelling Bee in Washington, DC, in May. The Regional Bee will be held via Zoom. Instructions on how to tune in on March 8 can be found below.
Best of luck, Arnav!
Watch the SNSB Region 4 Regional Competition via Zoom
When: Mar 8, 2025 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: SNSB Region 4 Regional Competition
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