BCHS Hygiene Drive to benefit homeless

Image of Hygiene Items wish list by grade level

Bethlehem Central High School’s Lab School will collect hygiene items to benefit the Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless.

The Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless in Albany provides services to homeless and at-risk individuals and families. IPH supports year-round and seasonal emergency shelters, a housing program, and community-based programs that include a drop-in center as well as health and wellness services.

Students who would like to contribute are encouraged to donate according to their grade level’s list (in image and below). Starting Monday, February 26, items may be dropped off in the BCHS foyer outside of the café or at BCHS during the Lab School BBQ on Saturday, March 2, from 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Please note, the items listed in bold are most needed.


Full size: body wash, shampoo, conditioner


Deodorant, toothpaste, chapstick


Washcloths, towels (used or new), wet wipes, blankets


New underwear, laundry detergent