Bus schedules available in Aspen

Bus schedules, routes and stops for the 2023-24 school year are now available in Aspen. To locate this information, please follow the directions below.  If you have questions regarding transportation, email transportation@bethlehemschools.org If you have questions regarding Aspen, email helpdesk@bethlehemschools.org Families with students who attend private/parochial or other schools outside of the district will be …

Summer 2023 construction update

In October 2021, residents of the Bethlehem Central School District approved a Facilities Improvement Capital Project that includes approximately $40.7 million in priority projects across the district. Work at various locations is now underway. Updates will be provided here throughout the course of the project. The following projects are underway or have been completed during …

BCSD Fall 2023 Continuing Education

PLEASE NOTE: Registration deadline is Friday, September 8. All information below, along with the Fall 2023 BCSD Continuing Education registration form, can be viewed or downloaded here [PDF] BCSD Fall Continuing Ed Schedule at a Glance/Registration Form only [PDF] Fall 2023 HILL class information is available on the HILL Website. Registration for HILL classes must …