An important message from Superintendent Jody Monroe

The following is an important message from Superintendent Jody Monroe regarding new developments related to the “swatting” incidents last fall…

Dear Parent/Guardian:

I am writing to inform you about the arrest today of a Bethlehem Central High School student by the Bethlehem Police Department. The student, a minor, is charged with Making a Terroristic Threat (D Felony) and Conspiracy 5th (A Misdemeanor). The charges come as part of the lengthy investigation into a series of “swatting” calls last fall that resulted in the arrest of a Canadian teenager in October 2024 and the arrest of an additional juvenile in Canada today by the Ontario Provincial Police. 

The three arrests are related to 12 phone calls that threatened violence at Bethlehem schools in September and October 2024. In October, at the time of the first arrest in Canada, there was no evidence of a local connection to the teen first accused of making the calls. 

As a school district, the safety and well-being of students and staff is our top priority. Any instance or involvement in a threat made against a school in the Bethlehem Central School District will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  In addition to the police investigation, we also conduct a district investigation when an allegation of this nature is made. Any student found to be making any threat to the school community will be subject to discipline according to the district’s Code of Conduct. The student who was arrested is not at school.

News of this arrest may be unsettling for students, staff and families. While we have exceptional partners in law enforcement who help keep our schools safe, we need everyone to practice vigilance when it comes to conversations and activities that happen outside of the school day or online. The district closely monitors online activity on all district devices and networks. It is vitally important that families also oversee their children’s online activity at home.

Families should remind children that if they see or hear of any type of threatening language suggesting violence against the school or other students to report it immediately to a trusted adult. We must work together to ensure students and staff are safe and feel safe at school. 

As always, thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please reach out me to me at or by phone at 518-439-7098.


Jody Monroe
