Alert: Security increased at high school, districtwide following anonymous threat

There will be increased police presence at the high school, middle school and across the district today, Wednesday, Sept. 11. The increased police presence follows an anonymous phone threat received by the Bethlehem Police Department last night, Sept. 10. In the phone call, an individual threatened to “shoot up Bethlehem High School.” The caller did not identify themselves. The police immediately began an investigation into the anonymous threat. The investigation included a “sweep” of the high school early this morning by several officers and by K9 patrol dogs. Police will provide added patrols at all schools while the investigation continues. 
Police and school district officials are asking anyone who may have information related to this call to contact the police department at 518-439-9973 or to call 911.

Threats of violence in our schools will not be tolerated and these types of threats will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We ask that all families engage in important conversations with their children about seeking out a trusted adult if they feel unsafe, hear threats of violence, or see or hear of language or behaviors that may be out of the ordinary.